WP version 5.5

This update has a few changes that make me happy!

What: First and foremost: a simple way to filter archive titles. Yay! Hooray! Tired of

Category: Books


Archive: Products

You can change that Category: or Archive:, or any other archive title prefix, to anything you want or remove it altogether.

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Free Software for Animation

Once a year I teach Animation & Interaction at MKstart in Amsterdam. When I started teaching this class over 10 years ago, I used Flash. I’d make some very tiny animations with them during the first few classes and then some mini games during the last few classes. I loved it, they loved it, it was great. When Flash died, eventually I switched to Animate. The brush tool is still the same, the regular crashes are the same, but working in Canvas has made Animate more buggy and unreliable. I haven’t found any good alternatives so I use it anyway.

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