WP version 5.5

This update has a few changes that make me happy!

What: First and foremost: a simple way to filter archive titles. Yay! Hooray! Tired of

Category: Books


Archive: Products

You can change that Category: or Archive:, or any other archive title prefix, to anything you want or remove it altogether.

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Database Storage Engine

I have run into more than one database that has both MyISAM and InnoDB tables and I’m very happy to know that I can change all of them into InnoDB–providing it’s at least MySQL 5.6.4.

This little, practical article from Kinsta tells how and has more detail, but basically, you can just change it from a dropdown once you’re in phpMyAdmin, or you can use:

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Free Software for Animation

Once a year I teach Animation & Interaction at MKstart in Amsterdam. When I started teaching this class over 10 years ago, I used Flash. I’d make some very tiny animations with them during the first few classes and then some mini games during the last few classes. I loved it, they loved it, it was great. When Flash died, eventually I switched to Animate. The brush tool is still the same, the regular crashes are the same, but working in Canvas has made Animate more buggy and unreliable. I haven’t found any good alternatives so I use it anyway.

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Jittery Scrolling

What: Jittery Scrolling, or very slow scrolling in Chrome-based browsers. It’s caused by too many paint operations when scrolling, in my particular case caused by an SVG set as a background-image with background-size: cover and background-attachment: fixed.

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Media Queries for Input Devices

What: Since not every touch enabled device is a handheld device, checking for size and checking for touch should be handled separately, since the changes to the design and functionality they require are not the same.

How: You can use media queries.

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Taking My WordPress Class Online

Because of the pandemic I too have to start teaching online. I’ve been setting everything up and I’m going to track my progress and findings under the teaching online-tag. This post is about my preparations to make this class available online.

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What: CSS-Tricks just posted about this last Friday and since I could have used this that day (!) but didn’t find it until now, I’m adding a note here for myself:

You have a page with a table of contents (with links), or you have a one page website with in-page navigation and you have a fixed header — when you click a link the content scrolls up too far and is hidden by the fixed header. This is not a good user experience, and you can improve it with scroll-margin-top in Firefox and Chrome-based browsers…

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Hosting Assets: Do It Yourself?

I have started hosting more and more of the assets for sites, like web-fonts and JavaScripts libraries, stats, with the sites themselves instead of using a CDN / third-party service, largely because I was starting to feel squeamish about my role in helping tech giants follow you across the internet.

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